

  • Web Design
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  • Web Development

The brief was to develop a website that serves as the main point of information for the 'Public Speaking For Doctors' course and where health professionals can both formally and informally learn about public speaking.

The challenges included organising all the content into smaller focused portions (such as the four tabs on the home page) and developing an engaging narrative to sustain interest in the website. This was done by using inspirational and humorous quotes on the subject of public speaking and developing icons to represent key information points.

The design was kept simple and serious, using colour highlights to create a clear and fluid user experience, directing attention to the most important areas of the website, without confusing or wasting the user's time.

speech is power, speech is to persuade, Emerson
landing page for public speaking course
Book Now button subscribe to course Presentation tips Why Do the public speaking course
responsive website on iPhone Public SPeaking for Doctors on iPad